Ahead of Cancer Run the race as if to win


Ahead of Cancer is a Christian based organization that focuses on helping patients and their families survive the mental and emotional strains of cancer. We also support efforts to prevent and cure cancers.
If you are reading the information on this site, someone sent you this link, or maybe God guided you here. In any case. if you find value in any of the information contained on the site or if you see value in what we are trying to accomplish please let other people know about us. If you are looking for support based on Christian principles let us know and we will try to help you. If you want to help us reach out, let us know that too.

You can contact Ahead of Cancer at AOC@mme.org.

Much of our site is still under construction. Please feel free to look around, but check back often. As we bring more features on line we will list them on this home page.

All Glory and Praise to Jesus Christ!